Customise What You See on the Letting Schedule

Navigate your Letting Schedule efficiently using filters and custom columns

2 min read
  1. Using filters
  2. Customising Letting Schedule columns

You can customise the Letting Schedule to view the information that’s most important for your project. Use filters or column customisation to surface the info you need.

Using filters

Create a view of your Letting Schedule that shows only what you need to see, so you can focus on the packages you need to work on.

Filter the letting schedule by:

  • Package Status (Draft, Pricing or Awarded)
  • Priority (Critical, High, Medium or Low)
  • Assignee (Any assigned team member/s)

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Customising Letting Schedule columns

You can show and hide columns on your Letting Schedule to tailor your view by toggling a column on or off or create up to 2 custom columns unique to your projects.

Custom Columns are columns that you can add to your letting schedule which do not already have a title determined. This allows you to create a brand new column to track any information you would like against each package. An example of why you may use this is to track a Cost Codes or a CHEOPs number. There are two 'My Columns' available per letting schedule and they can be different on every project.

To toggle which columns you view:

  • Click on the ‘Columns’ button at the top of the Schedule. You’ll see a list of column options.
  • Activate or deactivate a column from view by clicking the toggle button to green for active, or grey for inactive

To create a custom column:

  • Create custom columns by activating either ‘My Column 1’ or ‘My Column 2
  • Once active, click the pencil icon to edit the name of the column

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