Managing Procurement Phase Subcontractor responses

A guide to managing subcontractor responses during a procurement phase project

1 min read

Track your subcontractor responses by heading to the individual Package Dashboard by selecting a package name from the letting schedule.

When a subcontractor downloads their package or responds to your invite, this page will automatically update. You can also manually update responses from the dropdown menu on the right of each contact.

Here you can track:

Quote Status

  • Is the subcontrctor quoting?
  • Have they quoted or have they declined to quote?
  • Quote amount & Quote document
  • See the quote value in the responses table

Click the ‘quoted’ icon to access the document

Document Status

  • Has the subcontractor downloaded their package?
  • Do they have the most recent docs?

Scope Status

  • Has the subcontractor viewed the Scope of Works?

Response types:

How to revoke an enquiry

If you’ve accidentally submitted the wrong package to a subbie, or want to withdraw an enquiry, you can revoke the invitation.

Head to the project, then the Invites & Responses tab. Click the three dots next to the relevant company, and select ‘Revoke Invitation’ from the drop down options. You can then send an enquiry for the correct package, or leave the invitee out of the quote process.

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