Sending out a Single Enquiry

How to send an enquiry to a single subcontractor

2 min read
  1. Video Guide to inviting subcontractors
  2. Inviting a Subcontractor to quote for your package
  3. Select your subcontractors

Sending out a single enquiry is simple in EstimateOne. In this article you will learn how to:

  • Issue a single RFQ
  • See subcontractors who were invited to tender

Want to send out multiple enquiries at once? Learn how here.

Video Guide to inviting subcontractors

Inviting a Subcontractor to quote for your package

  • On the Schedule for your project, open up the dashboard for the package you'd like to issue an enquiry for
  • You will see a few options when you select 'Invite to Quote' in this instance you will need to select 'Invite one subcontractor'
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A slider will pop out from the right of your screen. The Package will be automatically selected as that is the Package you are currently issuing enquiries for.

  • Confirm the Packages Quote Date - by default, this will be pulled from your Schedule but you can change it here. If you change it here, it will also update in the Schedule
  • The Scope of Works will be included automatically if you have uploaded one, but you may remove this by un-checking the box
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Select your subcontractors

  • You can see all subcontractors you invited in your tender phase, by expanding the 'Response from tender phase' section
  • Select 'Filter by Quoted only' to see all subcontractors who quoted for you at tender stage
  • Use the search box below to search for the Company you would like to invite and select the relevant contact
  • Select 'Next' to navigate to the email personalisation step
  • Once you are happy with the content of the email the subcontractors will receive select 'Send Invitation'
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The invited subcontractor should now appear in your package dashboard as having been invited.

If you need to invite multiple subcontractors at once, follow these instructions instead.

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