Viewing Awarded Subcontractors in the Address Book

How to view details and stats of awarded subcontractors in your Address Book

1 min read

We know it's important to understand as much information as possible about your subcontractors, so your Estimating and Procurement teams can make informed decisions. 

E1 provides a single source of truth for subcontractor responses across tender and procurement.

As such, you can now see the contracts your subcontractors have been awarded in the Address Book.

  • Navigate to the Address Book
  • Search for and select the subcontractor you'd like to see more information on

On this page you will see the subcontractor’s engagement stats, including Awarded Packages. This will will show you the number of packages you have awarded this subcontractor in your procurement phase projects in the last 12 months.

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For more detail on which projects they were awarded contracts:

  • Within the contact, navigate to the Projects tab
  • Here you can view current or past enquiries and how this subcontractor responded
  • To see whether they were awarded, Sort by 'Project Phase' by selecting '⌃⌄' - this will allow you to group all procurement projects together
  • If a procurement project has been awarded, you will see 'Awarded' underneath the package name

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Here is a video showing you how:

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